Free Ebook Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie

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Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie

Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie

Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie

Free Ebook Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie

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Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 4 hours and 21 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Brilliance Audio Release Date: February 20, 2011

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

This is an outstanding story that every 7th or 8th grader should read (or listen to) and take to heart. It is normal for an 8th grade student trying to test their wings and be independent. Some might call it selfish (me first) but it is normal and a part of growing up. In this case our young hero is faced with a younger brother who adores him that falls ill with cancer. He must now not only take, but learn to give give and decide for himself what is important. As a teacher I have worked with this age students (young adults) for over 20 years. and Sonenblick hits it right on the head with his character that every young teenager will understand. Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie is a true classic.

I had the opportunity to hear Jordan Sonnenblick speak to a group of middle school students last week when I was substitute teaching. I had already read After Ever After, the sequel to the book Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie, but had not read anything else he had written. I was impressed by what Jordan shared with the kids. He used to be an 8th grade English teacher and he knows how to talk to middle school kids. He told the story behind the book Drums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie, which was very interesting and I decided to read this book.This book is about an 8th grade boy whose 4 year old brother gets Leukemia and how that affects him and his family. Jordan wrote this book because when he was teaching 8th grade, he had a student whose younger brother had cancer and he looked for a book for her about a middle school student with a sibling who had cancer and he could not find any. The book tells how when Jordan's brother was diagnosed with cancer, it threw his family into crisis mode, he stopped doing schoolwork, played the drums more, and how his parents and family life were affected. He did a good job of telling the story and I think that this book can help middle school kids to understand how cancer can affect a family. It is also just a really good story.I enjoyed this book and it's sequel and look forward to reading his other books.Mr. Sonnenblick's newest book, Curveball: The Year I Lost My Grip , is coming out on March 1 of this year and he says that if people pre-order it, he can be on the New York Times Best Seller List and his mother will be proud of him.

This book is great! I read this simultaneously with my 13 year old so we could discuss it along the way. I think we both learned a thing or two about when life throws out a curve ball, how to be friends and also how to be a good brother and be a family. My son thought the book was excellent in how it was written and enjoyed knowing how Steven was feeling and coping through all that was occurring. I would highly recommend this book to middle and high school aged kids and also adults.

I'm not normally a big fan of realistic fiction, but I picked this book up after it was recommended to me by some friends. I put it off for about three years before I broke down and bought the book. Thankfully it did not disappoint.Steven is a normal eighth grade boy. He's in band and has a crush on a girl way out of his league. He lives with his brother (Jeffery) and two parents. His life is fairly stable. One of the biggest problems he has is a brother about eight years younger than him who finds pleasure in making his older brother miserable. When a nose bleed turns bad, he finds himself living in his brothers shadow. He begins to wish that his little brother could be like he was before October, when he had the life changing nose bleed. This book deals with the topic of childhood cancer with a new angle. Trust me when I say that people tend to forget about the brothers and sisters of those diagnosed. They see it all. The book goes at the topic in a way that not many books do. The characters seemed real. Several times I wanted to talk with Steven so badly it hurt.This book seemed to get a little close to home. I know a girl whose younger brother was diagnosed with cancer when he was three. She was in middle school like Steven and many of the things I saw her go through, Steven went through as well. So many of the small things added up. When Steven called Jeffy buddy boy reminded me of all the times I've called my own brother that. Steven's world is real, and this book crafted it perfectly.

I read this book based on the recommendation of my youngest son. He is reading this book in his Literacy class in 6th Grade and even half way through, he loved it enough to want me to read it so we could "talk about it." I happen to read faster than my son, especially since he's only reading during class time (this is a group read,) but I enjoyed it as well.The title does not give any clues as to what the subject matter will be, and I hadn't read any blurbs so I was in for an emotional ride when I got to the heart of the story. Be prepared for some tears and heartache as you read. But, in the same way stories like The Fault in Our Stars or Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, there will be times when you find humor in the telling as well. The blending and merging of these two vastly different emotions is quite often a pleasant experience. I was also very impressed with the writing style and the voice being used to tell the story. I find it so rare in my reading to have a adolescent male point of view. So often, young adult books are told from a female perspective. Without giving spoilers, I have to say that I also like that the story is told from the perspective of a sibling of whom the main part of the story is about. I am definitely impressed that the school my children go to is using this book in their 6th grade classes, and I think it's a good one for young adults to read.

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Ebook Free , by Tracy Parker

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, by Tracy Parker

, by Tracy Parker

, by Tracy Parker

Ebook Free , by Tracy Parker

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, by Tracy Parker

Product details

File Size: 25666 KB

Print Length: 128 pages

Publisher: Hamlyn; UK ed. edition (March 2, 2015)

Publication Date: March 2, 2015

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,074,806 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)


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, by Tracy Parker PDF
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